Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas reach temporary child custody agreement


Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have reached a custody agreement regarding their daughters, Willa, 3, and Delphine, 1, for the rest of 2023. The decision comes after the former couple had a four-day mediation in New York City, which was their first court hearing. After news broke of the temporary custody agreement, Jonas and Turner said in a joint statement: “After a productive and successful mediation, we have agreed that the children will spend time equally in loving homes in both the U.S. and the UK. We look forward to being great coparents.”

Court documents read: “The parties have been engaged in productive mediation from October 4-7, 2023. Due to the progress made at mediation, the parties believe that an amicable resolution on all issues between them is forthcoming. For that reason, the parties jointly request that the Court enter the proposed order staying this proceeding and vacating all deadlines and trial dates submitted herewith.” The court ruled that Jonas, 34, and Turner, 27, will each get two weeks with their children until January 2024, and that during their time with their daughters each parent will be able to travel anywhere in the U.S. or U.K. with their children. Turner and Jonas will alternate weeks with their children between October and December, and their daughters will be with their father on Thanksgiving and their mother on Christmas. On Jan. 2, 2024, the estranged couple have a trial to resolve the the custody of their children and come to a more permanent solution.

This temporary custody agreement comes after Jonas filed for divorce on Sept. 5. Turner then filed a lawsuit against Jonas last month accusing him of “wrongful retention” of their two children – alleging that he was preventing their children (who are citizens in both the U.S. and U.K.) from returning to “their habitual residence of England” by withholding their passports. Turner said the family relocated to England in April and planned to move into their new home there, which they signed a contract to purchase in July, upon its completion in December.

Days after filing her lawsuit, Turner and Jonas agreed to an Interim Consent Order prohibiting the removal of the children from New York pending further order of the court. Turner is currently staying with their daughters in NYC, while Jonas is on tour with The Jonas Brothers.

Editorial credit: DFree /